Sunday, November 18, 2007

Politics at It's Best

The politics of the past and present are vicious, which is something pretty consistent throughout history.  One story told in Romans for Dummies really caps that idea for antiquity.

"... the cities of allies started organising 'committees of action', and even more so by a plan to assassinate the Consul Lucius Marcius Philippus, one Drusus's [Tribune of the Plebs in 91 BC (an extremely powerful position with the ability of veto over the Senate elected by the plebeians in a forced power-share as a result of the Conflict of the Orders)] chief opponents.  Drusus warned Philippus, but his good faith gesture did him (Drusus) no good.  Philippus had all Drusus's previous reforms thrown out and had Drusus murdered."

Basically these two politcal rivals had a bunch of followers who tried to annoy the other side.  It escalated to the point where one mob was going to kill the enemy.  In an outlandish attempt to be kind to a fellow official, Philippus was warned he was a marked man. Philippus decided to return the favor by having Drusus killed.  This is the style of a corrupted government.

Isn't odd how closely related our government is too the Roman Republic?

If history does repeat itself, these dynastic power holders, the Bushes and the Clintons, will end up waging a bitterly personal war over the presidency.  Hilary (leader of the Liberal faction, like Gaius Julius Caesar) woud make herself dictator.  That would mean that Bush (leader of the Conservatives) would be defeated in civil war with Hilary, but his most radical followers (no doubt involving an illegitimate child by Hilary) would live on to murder her.

Hilary's great nephew (if she has one) would establish himself as emperor.  Hundreds of years later, the United States would separate into two halves and be eventually overcome by corruption, economic failure, and skirmishes incoming from anti-American groups.

How cyclical!  That's all in theory of course, though, with no factual basis.  Don't mistake me, it's all meant in good fun, and am just teasing.  That would be horrible if civil war happened!  =(

The two (by my reasoning) most famous Liberal leaders -

An obvious resemblance... just kidding!  =)

HINT: Democrats are generally Liberal, and Republicans are generally Conservative.

Oh, and by Liberal, I mean the poltical view (left wing) of seeking more change than what a Conservative (right wing) would, not as in open-minded or generous.  Multiple definition of "Liberal" always bothers me.  It's too confusing in poltics when you hear how liberal (open-minded) a Conservative is.


Anonymous said... cannot hide people from the truth. Hil...hill..*gags* Hilary will probably be dictator of the world worse than what Groblette would be (Makes your spine tingle, doesn't it?) Anywho, I believe that, unfortunately, this will be the way that it has to be, because Hilary is OBVIOUSLY going to be picked for President because of all of the senseless Democrats (sorry SackAttack!) in this country...Oh well!

It can't be helped!

Anonymous said...

ugh I cannot even imagine the world with that h-word for president.
yuckk.. bill all over again? shoot me.
if she wins, i'm moving to canada.

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha... so true Pandaguy!  If history does repeat itself, Hilary does become president (which I grudgingly must admit to myself that she will), and she makes herself dictator, then she will also start the ball rolling for what will throw civilization into a second Dark Age.  How fitting?  Somehow, that actually makes sense.  I wonder why?  Hilary and narrow-minded Dark Age just sort of have this harmony together I guess.

Also if history repeats itself, she'll get a little too friendly with a White House butler.  LOL...

I would never go to Canada.  Too cold.  Not to mention the French (MINA!).  =)