Saturday, November 17, 2007

RAT Lock-In

The lock-in was awesome last night!  The RAT games were pretty dumb, and nobody paid the movie (Shrek 3) any attention what-so-ever.  The dances were the best.  They really need to create a different playlist, though, because the second dance was just the reverse order of the first dance.  That made the last half less enjoyable, but it was still spectacular!

During karaoke, Opal signed me up to sing "Too Sexy" (without my consent!), but luckily my slip wasn't drawn.  I was going to make someone else come up and sing it with me if I was called, but then I fled to the gym for awhile so I'd conveniently not be there just in case.  It ends up my name wasn't chosen anyway, so it didn't matter, but the whole thing was pretty funny.

Here's all my awesome photos!  (Yes, my camera lasted through a dance to the next day!)

Mina and JSOnri -

Opal and Pandaguy -

Opal and Little Grey -

Norbert's Mother and JSOnri -

Groblette and Sack Attack

As far as I know, Ardvark didn't dance with anyone.  I heard he's going to go see Taylor from the forest in a play at St. Vincent's today, or something like that.


Anonymous said...

haha yess you're quite right that he didnt dance w/ anyonee
& yesss he did go to a playy
i've yet to find out the details :D

Anonymous said...

When you do, make sure you tell me!  =)

Anonymous said...

You didn't give me credit for taking the pictures! :(