Tuesday, November 27, 2007


I reorganized my room again.  I have this thing for rearranging it.  It makes everything seem so... fresh I guess for lack of better words.  I like the feeling.  But anyway, I attached pictures of it.  Two pictures actually, because I found a way around the one-picture-uploaded-from-your-computer-to-the-Internet-per-entry rule.  I start writing an entry, but just upload a picture to my shoebox.  Then I close out and start a new entry without posting, so I can just transfer from my shoebox to the entry and upload another one without breaking the rule.

It was kind of sad cleaning it up though.  I decided it was time to banish the fantasy books that I used to like so much.  I exiled them all to the attic, so that I would have room on my bookshelf.  That way I have room on my desk shelves for office things.

All that's left (concerning books) on my desk are my fiction thrillers.  They are The Da Vinci Code, Il Codice Da Vinci (The Da Vinci Code in Italian), The Last Templar, The Rule of Four, The Footsteps of God, Angels and Demons, and Deception Point.

Oh!  This is really random, but today is Bill Nye's birthday.  He's either 51 or 52.  I don't remember.


Anonymous said...

Sorry, I meant "instant" in the poll, not "instand".

Anonymous said...

haha i noticed that about the poll [of coursee]
yeahh i love rearranging my room too!
but its kinda hard bcuz all of my stuff is so big so yeahh
ohh The Last Templar - my dad was reading that!  i was going to tell you about it b/c i figured youd like it but i guess you already know! haha

Anonymous said...

Normally I wouldn't have corrected myself, but I didn't want to be attacked over it.  =)

My mom told me she saw your dad reading a book that she thought I'd like and was going to get it for me for Christmas.  Or at least until I told her I already had it.  I saw him with it when we dropped Jon off at the Fall Camporee.  =)