Sunday, January 27, 2008

Australia Day

Happy late Australia Day!  I forgot to wish everyone that yesterday, so I figured I might as well today.

Australia Day commemorates the day Captain Arthur Phillip landed at Sydney Cove and established the penal (p-e-n-a-l) colony there that would grow into the continent-country's capital on January 26, 1788.  Australia Day is the official national holiday of Australia and also known as Anniversary Day and Foundation Day, but also Invasion Day, Day of Mourning, and Survival Day.  The last three were lovingly created by the ancestors of the Aborigine people in honor of the adverse effects that Britain's arrival had on their culture. 

Sadly, the fortunes of the indigenous Australians haven't improved much.  Making up 2.4% of the total Australian residence, Aborigine-Australian descendents are eleven times more likely to commit a crime than a non-indigenous Australians and twice as likely to be a victim.  Nearly one out of every four Aborigines reported having suffered a violent crime in 2001.  20% of native Australians are unemployed as well.  This society is in a sad state.

WARNING TO AMERICA - That's what happens when you let Liberals run a country (or dumb Conservatives, either way)!  Actually, a lot of the problems of the Aborgine community comes from their unwillingness to integrate.  Example: There are over two-hundred distinct native languages throughout Australia.  If they can't even speak the same language, how can they possibly expect to be understood?  It wouldn't hurt to legalize firearms either.  We can all see how much that's done with Washington D.C.; it hasn't lowered the crime rate, instead it just started a new line of businesses in the blackmarket.  My thoughts are that if all women were trained in firearms and carried loaded guns, there would be no more rapes - end of story.

An Aborigine community's football game -

Aboriginal flag of Australia -


Anonymous said...

ya, i bet training women in firearms and having them all carry loaded guns would solve the problem of rape but it would also open up a huuuge scope of other problems... a whole population of women with guns could get a little crazy! :)

Anonymous said...

True enough, it does seem like that.  Personally I think an IQ test should be administered before you can carry guns along with a basic questionaire to see if the person is fit to be armed.  But yearly, swimming pools kill more people than guns do (Freakonomics).  If we ban guns for killing people, we should be banning pools too.  I think I'll get a "POOLS KILL PEOPLE" t-shirt.  It sounds just as stupid as "GUNS KILL PEOPLE" when you realize the facts of the matter.  Guns don't kill people, people kill people.

Banning guns outright is just plain stupid.  It's been proven to raise crime rates, not lower them.  Canada's homicides have gone up since they made firearms against the law.  Australia has had a 45% increase in armed robbery since they banned guns.  Not to mention the effort of destroying the surrendered weapons cost them $500,000,000.  But what's really retarded, in the twenty-five years before Australia redefined stupid, homicides were actually going down.

Criminals will get guns, even though they might be illegal, through the black market.  With guns outlawed, the good guys can't get the guns, but the bad guys can.  That makes no sense.  When you put it together, being anti-gun is the same as being "pro-shoot-the-good-guys" or "pro-rape".  It's pretty pathetic if people are against firearms once they've seen the statistics.

The whole illegal firearm market is similar to drugs.  It's no use banning them if you can't enforce it.  45% of American teens will have tried marijuana by the time they finish high school, and guns won't be any different.  That's already been proven over and over around the world.

Anonymous said...

See also: