Thursday, January 10, 2008


First thing I want to say is congrats to everyone who participated in the spelling bee!  Everyone did REALLY well.  Even those who just started studying seriously.... last night.  All the same, we accomplished our #1 goal!  =)


For Shoetopia Citizen -


Yup, so anyway I saw this awesome article in my news bulletin today.  A Boy Scout in the Maldives saved their president from an assassination attempt.  The boy in full uniform was about to shake the hand of the president when a man lunged forward with a knife wrapped in a Madivian flag when the boy leapt into the assassin's path and took a cut to the hand but will be OK.  For those who don't know, the Maldives is a vastly Islamic-Sunni (I'm assuming the boy was Muslim, considering his name was Mohammed) country, and this just goes to show that Muslims are nothing like the image people generally portray them as.

Also in the news was something less appealing, but interesting all the same.  In an international poll, only 80% of Americans voted that they loved America.  The truly sad thing is that Kenya and the Ivory Coast both had higher American-loving percentages.  What is a country where others likes them better than they like themselves?  Pretty pathetic I think, and it doesn't take a Conservative to realize that!  (Just kidding!)

In poltics, John Kerry is choosing to support Obama rather than his old campaign bud, John Edwards.  A little bit unorthodox, but nothing new for the political world!

Random Fact - Saudi Arabia produces the most petroleum, but on America's oil importation list Saudi Arabia comes in third behind Mexico and Canada.

On the subject of randomness, my 2008 calendar is ferret themed!  =)


Anonymous said...

haha i love the dedication to me.
yep i don't really have anything to say but i do love your random facts
they are as delicious as always. ;]

Anonymous said...

boy did you get lucky chico.
i might still hafta punch you, but i won't full out beat you :]
and thank you to whats his face that beat her - i love him. haha
what word did she miss? i really wanna know haha.
jeez yknow i tell you to do one thing and you cant do it haha jk.
or to quote jack sparrow -  I leave you people alone for just a minute look what happens, everything's gone to pot!
haha oh well. at least what's his face won :]
oop sorry, just remembered his name is charlie.
alright i'm done :]

Anonymous said...

She missed commodore.  And you don't want to be friends with Charlie.... trust me...