Monday, January 14, 2008

Presidential Salary

Did anyone besides me have no idea that our president earns $400,000 a year, not to mention many other assorted priveleges and benefits?

Our commander-in-chief also has a $50,000 expense account, whatever that is.  Shouldn't our president's expenses be coming from his salary?  Among his numerous other benefits is a $100,000 nontaxable travel account, a sweet $19,000 dole for entertainment, and exclusive access to White House maids.  Oops... did that slip out?

When they retire, presidents are now receiving a $183,500 pension!  Presidents will also receive addition post-reign mailing bonuses and travel funds.  Let's not even start about bodyguards.  The Secret Service protect former presidents and their families up to ten years after leaving office!

I personally am a little ticked that if Hillary becomes president (God forbid!), she'll get $569,000 from a multitude of categories, a very respectable pension, and a variety of other benefits, from mailing services to manservants.


Anonymous said...

I can't quote statistics or anything off the top of my head, but I know that professional athletes also get outrageously high salaries, too. (If you want proof, I'm sure you can find it on the internet.) Pro athletes get paid thousands for running around on a field so that people can be entertained. This money should be going to people who are more important to our society, such as teachers. It really is amazing how little teachers are paid when you think about how important they really are. But it doesn't stop there. Policemen, firefighters, and such get paid nothing in comparison to pro athletes. This is just another example of how messed up some things are in America.

Anonymous said...

really? the president gets paid that much? I thought I read somewhere it was about $50,000-60,000  a year. I remember learning that in green's class, then again that was a while ago so times could've changed...majorly. Also my memory could be slipping. Where'd ya hear that?

Anonymous said...

yeah i'd heard that before. kinda high at first glance, but then when you think about everything they have to do, it kind of makes sense. uhh genius.. where did you get that number from? haha mr green neverrr said anything like that.

Anonymous said...

Frog: I completely agree that athletes are overpaid!  It's pathetic, really, how little they do and how much they get paid.  The only way it is remotely possible that they can compete in the upper echelons of sports is by taking steroids, so really we are just paying people to do drugs.  How does that work?

Genius: Mr. Green actually didn't know what the president earned.  It also wasn't in any of our texts, so he asked me to look it up (which is when I noticed how high it was and decided to write about it), so I have no idea how you got the idea that he taught it to the class.

Always Bored: I don't mind presidents earning that if they truly do fulfill duties, but if instead they are doing a poor job and engaging in other "antics", I don't think that this salary is entirely appropriate.

Anonymous said...

yeah i agree if it's not for good purposes then uh oh. but of course, can't normal people use their pay for that too? so you never really know.

and i have to disagree, to be amazing at sports you don't necessarily have to take steroids. a lot do, yeah, but deff. not all of them! don't stereotype :P haha

Anonymous said...

True, true.  Steroid use has gotten so far out of hand among adults, though, it's sickening.  However, what's worse in my opinion is that this is influencing the minors who look up to them.

In 2002, 46.1% of seniors described accessing steroids as "fairly easy" or "very easy".  In 2001, only 62% (this number dropped from 68%) of them considered taking steroids a "great risk".  Worst of all, 5% of high school students reported abusing steroids.  And it doens't look like that now, 7 years later, that number has done anything but go up.

I don't think any synthetically beefed-up superstar deserves any more respect as a teen hero than Paris Hilton or any other drug-sodden sex-addled equivalent.

Kudos to all the athletes out there who are drug free!

Anonymous said...

i agree with that, but at least not all of them take them.

my fave is drug free [im pretty positive, since he used to do drugs when he was in like HS but he quit haha]. go favre :]