Thursday, January 3, 2008


In my dad's business, we are always extremely cautious of all customers, but we are even more alert when we work with African-American buyers.  That's not because we are racist, but because of simple facts.

According to the Department of Justice, African-Americans make up roughly 12% of America's population, and yet about 44% of the incarcerated population of America is African-American.  The 2000 census showed a dramatic, racial disproportion of the population in jail.  In every one of the 46 states and 4 commonwealths of the America, the percentage of blacks in prison exceeds the percentage of resident African-Americans.  In 20 states, the percentage of blacks in jail is five times greater than the percentage of resident African-Americans.  I don't think those are racist statements, they're facts, and because of it we are most watchful around African-Americans.  It's definitely not unwarranted either.

Along with the other stores in the gun industry, our shop once was targeted by the Vice Lords.  The Vice Lord Nation is the second-largest and oldest of Chicago street gangs, but now have considerable numbers in many cities, including Indianapolis.  Their total estimated population is over 30,000, the majority of which are African-American with a growing number of Hispanics.  They vandalized our mailbox by leaving us a lovely gang emblem.  It didn't quite give us the impression of fear I think they were trying to radiate, considering that the spray paint was pink.  =)


American Population By Race -




Incarcerated Population By Race -



Anonymous said...

er at first i figured the lack of comments would kinda say this for me but i need to ask
why did you post this?
um i just think it's kind of weird, no offense.
and then you're all like no im not racist, im just extra careful selling to african americans. okay i know the facts are like that but um back to the beginning.. why did you feel the need to post this..?

Anonymous said...

They were talking about it on Boston Legal, and we'd been talking about it recently at home.  So I decided to write about it, because it's different and interesting (I think at least).  I just write about whatever comes up in my life (hence this is an online journal), which included this topic for me.  Anonymous Third Party - This is a blog, so why exactly would you need a reason to write something?

Anonymous said...

no, you don't need a reason to write something, i just kinda thought that this post was sort of awkward, for lack of a better word.

Anonymous said...

I agree that it is definitely different, but it just kind of came up and was spur-of-the-moment.

Anonymous said...

yeah idk maybe it's just me but this article kinda just sounded like you trying to defend yourself the whole time

Anonymous said...

I was.  It's not as though it's because of their skin color.  If caucasian people, or any other race for that matter, had a higher crime rate, we'd be more cautious with them.  Anonymous Third Party - More like he was explaining the situation from a different perspective, ha, ha... the purpose of this journal much...

Anonymous said...

that anonymous third party.. sounds like someone i know [not you, haha dont take that the wrong way]. it probably isnt, but um yeah. haha dont know why i said any of that. anyways.

okay well im just giving you MY perspective on this soo okay.