Saturday, January 5, 2008

Reason to Celebrate

Hillary lost in the Iowa caucas!  Woot-woot!  She's been making quite a few unnecessary remarks concerning Obama since her stinging defeat, but just proclaimed herself "the most innocent campaigner".  Whatever!  =P

Also, Britney Spears lost custody of her children to her ex-husband.  Her life (if she ever could have been considered as having one) has been on the decline ever since her divorce.  She's been posing nude for photos, appearing drunk and out of control in public, shaving her head, spending time in rehab, and my personal favorite which I someday hope to accomplish, viciously attacking cars with umbrellas.

Britney releasing her wrath on this car that is quite innocent-looking, or at least more than Hillary -

Hillary, looking.... innocent? -


Anonymous said...

So are you saying that you would like a cocaine-sniffing-former-muslim running our country??? I know that he is African American and all, but there has been oppression of women's rights for a heck-of-a-lot longer than that of African American "opression". Abigail Adams frowns upon you =(

Since we all know that a Republican is not going to win the election, all I want is Hillary to win. Becuase of what I stated above, and the fact that she is going to socialize healtcare, which makes my getting into med school easier....

And you know what they say....

"The person who wins the Iowa caucas usually comes in 2nd place"

I like saying that becuase all of my Democrat (*sobs*) family members live in Iowa. I swear, if they were any more Democratic, the would all get facejobs to look like Hillary and convert to Islam!!!!



Anonymous said...

Ugh I can't stand Hillary, sorry.  If she wins, I want to move to Canada.  I do agree that it seems like a Republican probably won't win (I barely know the candidates names, and I'm a Republican!), but there are a lot of Republicans in America, so I wouldn't underestimate them.  I extremely dislike both Obama and Hillary, but if I had to pick, I'd definitely go with Obama.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps we should give the hybrid-driving Communist a chance.  Let's allow her to socialize our health care, along with all our other policies, and soon find ourselves living in a totalitarian, liberalized, politically correct society devoid of any culture whatsoever, where everyone is white, Christian, anti-Muslim, unmotivated, blind toward any conflicts, and feminist, including Republican men, Republican women, Democratic women, and, yes, not surprisingly, the testosterone-deficient Democratic men.  We live in a country nicknamed "the melting pot", and somehow still think we will never have an African-American for president, or even (gasp!) a follower of Islam.  No matter!  After all, she may just become the first woman in a Clinton administration to spend more time sitting at the desk in the Oval Office than under it.  =)

My choice is clear between the socialistic imbecile and former drug-sniffing, Muslim African-American.

Welcome to Indiana.  We're a blue state.  =)

Anonymous said...

yeah, i don't have much of an opinion on this topic
as of i'm not really into politics ;)
(for all who know me should know that)

Anonymous said...

Whatever does happen with the democrats, however, will be terrible anyways. oh well! only time will tell! have you seen the chris crocker video on youtube?well, david, if you get  access to a "non-retarded" computer, type in 'leave britney alone'. you will be shocked..really...if you have the time to wait on your computer, this one will be worth the wait to watch.

Anonymous said...

True enough.  I don't particularly want Obama as president, but I REALLY don't want Clinton (either one, or even anyone else who is cursed with the same name (just kidding about that last)).

I'll see it when I go over to my grandma's next time.  She has fios.  That irks me.