I've been flipping through The Best Book of Useless Information Ever and found some interesting stuff:
~ Natural gas has no odor, the scent is added so that leaks can be detected.
~ There is an average of two earthquakes every minute in the world.
~ Clay Aiken is allergic to mushrooms, shellfish, chocolate, mint, and coffee.
~ Madonna likes to sing "Truly Scrumptious" from hit musical "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" to her children.
~ Chimpanzees will hunt ducks if given the opportunity.
~ Navy SEALs are taught to urinate in their pants during cold-water training to stay warm.
~ As of January 2004, the U.S. economy borrows an average of 1.4 billion dollars a day from foreign investors.
~ A Brazilian politician lost his seat over allegations that he offered voters free Viagra in exchange for their support.
~ Quebec City, Canada has about as much street crime as Disney World.
~ Two-thirds of the world's kidnappings occur in Colombia.
~ The average pregnancy of an Indian elephant lasts 650 days.
~ Some polar bears turn green as a result of algae growing in their fur.
~ Male skiers are more likely to fall on their face, while female skiers are more likely to fall on their back.
~ The heaviest sumo wrestler was 560 pounds.
~ There is no "Spanish rice" in Spain.
~ The Statue of Liberty's fingernails weigh about 100 pounds apiece.
Cute squirrels!
hahaha wowwww i love them
they're so deliciously random
Random, yes, but delicious??? *Shivers*
yes very much delicious
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