One of the things I've always been most skeptical about were the so-called "Bible Codes". Again and again, important historical events would appear, not just concerning Israel, but also of mankind as a whole. The date Neil Armstrong landed on the moon appears next to "Man on moon", "spaceship", and even "Apollo 11." A search using the cipher for "Hitler" turned out "evil man", "Nazi and enemy", and "slaughter." "Eichmann" proved to be encoded with "Zyklon B", which if you don't know, was the gas used in concentration camps.
Also chilling is the adjacent appearance of "atomic weapon", and "World War" of "Jerusalem".
There was a warning to humanity was uncovered in association to earthquakes in 2014 and 2113, "Desolated, Empty, Depopulated" and "For Everyone, the Great Terror: Fire, Earthquake."
Although these and many other examples are all these seemingly amazing occurences, there are many mathematicians out there who still refute the Bible Code, and one in particular tested it the same cipher on a copy of Moby Dick and got the same results.
2006 also came up repeatedly for "The End of Days", with a comet, a world-shaking earthquake, and an atomic holocaust. But if your still around to read this, apparently it didn't work. A code that is wrong, is no code at all.
All the same, perhaps the Bible Code does contain some truth. We'd all seem like real idiots if we didn't check it out for some things, and then have to suffer for it later. It is however it's unquestionable that the code is manipulable.
I found the most fascinating statistic the other day, "The Bible is the most commonly shop-lifted book." Isn't that ironic?
sooo i probably sound like an idiot but what is this bible code..?
it sounds cool but idk what it is.. haha
im so dumb sometimes.
I couldn't give you the actual cipher, but if you apply it to the literal text of the Bible it rearranges the letters into little phrases. Not all the phrases are perfect though either. Most of it is just jibberish, but some of it comes out sensibly.
But as to the what the real code to change it is, I have no clue.
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