Right now, along with Queen Hazel Marie, I have four pet salamanders (two of which are portrayed below). They are very cute, but look a little dopey in the picture. I keep it dark in their tank, because they are nocturnal. I shined a light on them for better pictures, and they're a little dazed, but they'll be OK. I don't think they liked the flash very well...
I use the National Audobon Society Field Guide to North American Reptiles and Amphibians to classify my reptilian and amphibian pets. I've narrowed it down to Blue-Spotted Salamander, Tremblay's Salamander, or Silvery Salamander. Apparently (according to the book) the Blue-Spotteds and another species called Jefferson's Salamander interbred into two new species, the Tremblays' and the Silveries. It's definitely not Jefferson, those are too light colored, but they could be either of the two hybrids. I think they are so dark though that they'd have to Blue-Spotteds.
I'm pretty proud of catching them, because they are known for being very elusive. Not only are they nocturnal, but they live pretty deep underground. Pretty much the only way to find them is to look under a lot of logs. I actually found these four on accident under logs. I wasn't even looking for them. I found them in two groups of one and two, and someone else actually found my fourth one.
You've probably heard the Greek myth that salamanders are born from flames. Well, they used to think this, because the salamanders are so shy, that the only time you ever saw them was when they'd crawl out of decayed logs when you burned them. See, I found a way to tie it into history! =)
haha you WOULD tie it to history
Ha, ha... you bet! =)
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