Sunday, September 23, 2007


I love Borders.  =)

I always spend to much when I go there, though.  They have the best carrot cake ever there, too!  =)

Last time I got two new books that look really good In the Footsteps of Alexander the Great (below, on the top) and Akhenaten: Egypt's False Prophet (below, middle).  The former of which looks super cool!  The author follows the march of Alexander the Great and his troops and records his findings.  It's kind of like a modern version of The Histories.  Apparently it was also made into a T.V. show.  Hmmm...

Oh, and I was so happy, because my random culture facts actually were useful when I was browsing through the History/Politics section (Hey!  Don't laugh!  =P).  They had this awesome looking translation of The Histories, but I already have that so I didn't get it.  It had Leonidas at Thermopylae on the front of it, the painting I posted by Jacques-Louis David.  I was so proud of myself for recognizing it!  =)

I should get a paycheck from the store for all the books that I advertise!  =)

Oh, and I made this sweet new desktop.  It's a picture of my room and you can see the rest below.  HINT: Look at the desktop (on the computer).

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