Monday, December 17, 2007


Guess what today is!  The 230th anniversary of when George Washington made camp with the Continental Army at Valley Forge.  Cool?

Did you know that Friedrich von Steuben's (pronounced STOO, not STOY like Mr. Green does) full name was Baron von Friedrich Wilhem Ludolf Gerhard Augustin Steuben?

A sweet picture of the Fountain of the Four Rivers in Rome -


Anonymous said...

that is a totally awesome name!
i'm jealous.

Anonymous said...

Thought you'd like that!  =)

Anonymous said...

yep yep.
also, i think you should post an article about dreams.
haha. i ♥ orlando bloom sooooo much.
but he's not as cool as jack sparrow.
and don't say captain. we're on a first name basis.
i should know of all people.

Anonymous said...

nah, its Schtoyben not stooben! plus its just fun to say it like that. SCHTOYBEN!
really long, but really cool name!

Anonymous said...

oh yum orlando :]
me gustan will y jack.
haha i dont want to have to pick one over the other.
but i do know that elizabeth needs to vanish. forever.
haha no me gusta ella.

Anonymous said...

Well we all know how Shoetopia Citizen's dreams go... It all starts after she has one too many Dr. Peppers and then having a little bit too much fun with random celebrities.  And we have to make a Brickley's Puppet Pals!  In betweenness!

Alwaysbored: Yum?  I'm not sure that would've been personal choice in words when refering to Orlando Bloom.  Apparently a few people here know him very well.  I think you need to meet Shoetopia Citizen.

Genius:  It is more fun to say "stoy"!

Anonymous said...

betweeness! slope! betweenness! slope! betweenness! slope! betweenness! slope!PARALLEL!!!!
haha it kinda scares me though that the two certain people that heard your translation of what i said 'were talking about that for a while'
you would think they have better things to do. haha
and i like my dreams! did i tell you about the time... haha jk but i do have another story. that makes my celebrity dreams to a total of 4

Anonymous said...

oh no, he's definitely yummy.
so is jack :]

Anonymous said...

i very much agree with you alwaysbored.
both are yummy.
and elizabeth needs to go die.
but before she does, i might steal that dress that she wears when she can't breathe.
or maybe after. :]

Anonymous said...

haha I completely agree with you.

Anonymous said...

Competition?  =)

Anonymous said...

between me and always bored?
nah. one of us can have jack and the other orlando/will
haha then we can switch!

Anonymous said...

haha okay that works for me! :]