Friday, December 21, 2007

28 Places To See Before You Die

Yay!  Break!

Smithsonian published "28 Places To See Before You Die".  The pictures are awesome!  (*I've been to two of them so far!)

~ Mesa Verde

~ Pompeii

~ Tikal

~ Petra (it mentioned my x-great-uncle!)

~ Pyramids of Giza

~ Taj Mahal (my cousin just saw that over Thanksgiving Break)

~ Easter Island

~ The Great Wall

~ Aurora Borealis

~ Serengeti

~ Iguazu Falls

~ Machu Picchu

~ The Louvre*

~ Zen Garden of Kyoto

~ Uffizi Gallery

~ Fallingwater

~ Yangtze River

~ Antarctica

~ Mount Kilimanjaro

~ Grand Canyon

~ Pagan

~ Parthenon

~ Angkor Wat

~ Ephesus

~ Venice*

~ Amazon Rain Forest

~ Great Barrier Reef

~ Galápagos Islands

Sounds good to me!

I have to leave for Tae Kwon Do soon, but I'll be posting pictures from the dance on my next entry.  (I haven't forgotten, Shoetopia Citizen!)

Temples of Pagan (they had a better one in the magazine, but I didn't have time to load it!) -


Anonymous said...

hah i havent been to any of the places
have fun there
kthanks :]

Anonymous said...

Really random, but I love that picture of the temples peaking out of the trees!  I wish I could get all the pictures from that article...

I would love to go to Tikal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The author of the article visited it for the first time when she was seven!  How crazy lucky is that?!?!?  Or at least for me, that would be totally awesome!