Sunday, December 9, 2007

Bad Machinery Juju

Here's a picture from the snowmobile crash.  My mom found the gas cap fifteen feet away from the site of the crash yesterday.  The entire exhaust system was crushed into the rest of the mechanics.  The area where I put my feet bulged out from the inner workings being forced outwards.

You can see the windshield on the right in the scrub as well.  That's where it (and I) landed.  Luckily we missed the tree, but the snowmobile doesn't look in too good of consdition.  We haven't tried restarting it yet (it shut off a little bit after the impact), but we aren't too hopeful.  It was pretty much worthless from when we got it though.  It used to be my grandpa's.  They don't make the parts for it anymore.

It looks like I ran straight into the tree, but if you look closely, one of the runners actually caught it and when we collided it turned the snowmobile.  I came from the left in the picture.

It really hasn't been my weekend for machines, because my computer's been malfunctioning too.  The desktop tab in the display properties has been completely wiped out.  I don't have any idea why, but it just kind of disappeared.  I've already made one call today about it to my computer guy who used to build mother boards, and he had no idea what to do.  The best we could come up with is to reinstall Windows, but I don't know if all my data would still be here.  Not good...


Anonymous said...

Ya, that doesn't look good. I'm glad you weren't hurt, it looks like it could have been disasterous if you had hit the tree! You're lucky that you got away with only a few cuts and bruises.

Sorry, no advice on the computer issue. I'll ask my dad, though, he's really good with computer problems.

I think I caught you with another typo. It says "consdition" in the second paragraph when I think you meant "condition." =) Oh well, typos happen.

Anonymous said...

how fast were ya going? ... At least it didn't explode...=] glad ya got out semi-ok.
you install anything lately? or did you put a flash drive in it? ...could be a virus.

Anonymous said...

wow. I'm glad i wasn't on it. See, I had a good reason to be freaked out about riding it last year. It's probably actually a good thing you don't ahve a seat belt though.

Anonymous said...

I do a lot of typing and the dumb spell check on this website doesn't work.  Surprise, I know.  =)

Ya, that would be an issue if it exploded.  That's my biggest concern if we try restarting it.

We weren't expecting it to malfunction at that level, even as old as it is (was?).  If the throttle had caught anywhere else, it would've been OK in the open fields, but it had to do it there.  I was got bored this weekend, because that was my game plan for our time off.  Poopie.  =(

I don't think I have a virus.  I might.  I had to kill some spyware the other week.  Punched it in the tooth actually.  But really, I must've hit a Trojan Horse (Katharine - HAHAHAHAHA) on accident and Spy Shredder got into my computer.  I cleaned it out, so it's all gone though.  Still, it's a little upsetting.

Anonymous said...

hahaha that was so much fun. And penal. haha

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha... Spell Bowl's the best!  =)

Anonymous said...

haha i know!
see, with any other sport, the coach yells at you for making fun of people,
butttt, with spell bowl, the coaches are right with you making fun of them too.
haha good times, also pronounced, also pronounced, also pronounced, also pronounced...etc

Anonymous said...

Mellifluous, mellifluous, mellifluous....

OH!  I found my Purdue card when I went through my binder over the weekend.  Those were hilarious!