Saturday, September 29, 2007

Bornean Clouded Leopards

I was reading the latest National Geographic and I flipped to one of my favorite sections, the Wildlife Department.  This time there was a story about a new species of Clouded Leopard (depicted below).  =)

This new species lives in Borneo and Sumatra, and differs in many different characteristics from its mainland relative.  This new species is darker.  It also has smaller "cloud" patterns than the other inland type.  They are also "genetically as different as lions and tigers."

They are very few of the new species, Neofelis diardi, in captivity.  They spend most of their time up in trees, like in the picture.  They are rarely ever seen by people, but the population is still estimated at several thousand.  Poaching and deforestation (typical) are their major threats to the Clouded Leopards, both island and mainland.  =(

Below is the tree kangaroo from the September issue as a review for the bottom poll.  =)

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Anonymous said...

awww that is sooooo cuteee! i love it :]

Anonymous said...

It's eyes are HUGE!  =)

Anonymous said...

most def. a hard decision... but I'm all for the cats... altho i have 2 admit... the kangaroo looks more cuddly XDD

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha... those eyes are just asking for a hug!!!  =)