Sunday, September 9, 2007

Favorite Article #1

All the sudden I was divinely inspired that after every 10 articles I write I should poll which article was your favorite.  This way I know what I should write more about and what I should write less about.  And after you vote, please comment about why you chose what you chose, so that I can get more information from there as well.  So... you know what to do!  Oh, and if you can't decide on just one article, please feel free to vote more than once on this poll (just this poll, try not to do that on others unless otherwise specified).  =)


Anonymous said...

Hmm... my computer doesn't let me go back to the voting page.  I guess you can only vote once, sorry!!

Anonymous said...

well i voted for good friends b/c it was a thought i'd been having as well, but i also liked woody & floods. i liked floods because it was an interesting read, and woody because it was funny. i also liked the picture from the tree kangaroo because it was cute :) i think you're doing fine w/ article choices; if i were you i'd just keep up the balance of informative, thoughtful, and funny!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, I'm glad you like it!!