Sunday, September 30, 2007

French Jokes

I usually make a lot of French jokes (one of my best friends is French, so it's all in good fun) and so I thought I'd tell you some of them.

~  How many Frenchman does it take to defend Paris? ......... I don't know - it's never happened before.

~  Why are the streets of Paris to beautiful? ......... So the invaders have something nice to look at when they march in.

~  Why do all the French have sunburnt armpits? ......... They raise their hands in surrender to often.

~  1 "I'm selling French muskets for $3,000 a piece"  2 "Wow, why so expensive?" 1 ......... "Well you see, they've never been shot before."

~  Did you know that the French invented the toothbrush? ......... Had anyone else, it would've been called a teethbrush.

~  When was the last, good, French barbecue? ......... 1432, and it involved Joan of Arc.

~  Why don't French barbecue? ......... The snails keep slipping through the grills.

~  How do you get a French waiters attention? ......... Start ordering in German.

~  Why don't French people mind the odor of their smelly cheeses? ......... Well in a room full of Frenchmen, you can't tell the difference.

~  "There is nothing lower than the human race...except for the French." - Mark Twain

~  If you install the French versions of your favorite television programs, they run a lot faster.

~  Why wouldn't the Statue of Liberty work in France? ......... She's only got one arm raised.

I think I should finish this off with a good question...

~  How many jokes are there about the French? ......... One, the rest are true!  =)

Ha, ha... sorry to all the French people out there, but there are some good ones that were begging to be shared.  =)

Below is a picture of the Louvre Museum's main entrance.  I love their pyramid!  =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow i love the barbeque/Joan of Arc one...