This morning more than ever I realized how lucky I am to have friends that I can be open with. We can give each other criticism and take it to heart making us better people for it, rather than flip over the coin and take it negatively. I don't know, this may seem really random and all, but I just wanted to say thanks. If I was never criticized I couldn't get better, and what good does life do you standing still? I'm pretty adventurous and have some big dreams, so I'd get bored fast like that.
So yup, I'm just grateful to have those kind of people around me who have busy enough lives looking out for themselves, but always make time to look out for others! That's my personal definition of a good friend. So thank you, and have a great day! =)
omg i felt exactly like this the other day!
i wanted to tell everyone that i was friends w/ how much i loved & appreciated themm
so yeah, ditto that :)
oh and i wanted to say i voted for the wrong color on your poll.. haha. i didnt read all the options. my fave color is actually lime green, not green.. in case you cared. haha
oh btw have you ever looked at thomas' site? read his last post if you have. i thought it was interesting..
Ha, ha... wow. That was the first time I went to his site, and I have to say I'm most enlightened (HA!). How is that Clink's poster goes, "We are all now more stupid than we were before you said that." Dang. I can just feel the braincells trickling out my ears... ha, ha...
If he's writing the dumbest things to trick us - it's working. Either he's pulling off one serious ploy, or... well... someone needs to talk to him.
Using my advanced levels of translating "Geniusian" I think he's actually feeling some remorse (finally!), and is trying to say "sorry"... in his own little way, but it really doesn't make it any better because he's trying to put himself on the positive side of the "coin". Wow. At least he isn't going on the "I don't know anything about blowing people off" schpeal. Ha, ha... wow...
haha ouchh harshh
idk i dont really read it but the last one i was like ohh what the heckkkk?
yeah i dont know whatt he's trying to say there.
i was gonna comment but im like i dont want an account on here haha
but yeah im like you make no sense boy, you know that right?
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