Thursday, September 20, 2007

Henny Penny and the Hypnotism Incident

Recently you probably heard (if you have Mr. C) about chicken hypnotizing.  Well I couldn't resist.  I went over to my neighbors house and (with their permission) hypnotized the family chicken, Henny Penny (below, picture of random chicken from google that looks like Henny Penny).  It was hilarious.  She just stayed there - staring forward.  It was kind of creepy, but still awesome.  We got it on camera recording, but with my dumb Internet, it would take me ages until I finally uploaded the files to the blog.

If you don't go to my school and were interesting in hypnotizing a chicken near you, here's the process:

1.  Be friends with your chicken - the next step won't work if its afraid of you.  It will also work best at twilight, and also on chickens rather than roosters.

2.  Hold the chicken's wings to its body, and lay it gently down on on one wing so that you have one hand firmly on the top side and the ground against its opposite side.  I do it with my left hand holding it and my right hand free.

3.  Next begin tracing an imaginary line away from its beak and then pull back and do it again until the chicken feels relaxed and keeps staring straight at your finger.

4.  Slowly let go with the hand holding it down and retreat away from it.  The chicken should stay there looking straight ahead.  Eventually it'll snap out of it, or if something suddenly passes in front of it, it'll also wake up from its trance.

Have fun with that!

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Anonymous said...

I mentioned to Mr. C that you were able to hypnotize the chicken when I saw him last night for small group. Then Kyle Davidson (I'm not sure if you know him, but Jon probably does) said that when he went to the zoo last time, he went to the petting zoo and hypnotized one of the chickens there also!

Anonymous said...

Sweet!  That'd be so much fun!  Ha, ha... I tried it on my brother, but it didn't work...

Anonymous said...

Haha! You would think it would work...darn...

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha... no; his brain's to big to do that.  You can only hypnotize the simple minded.