Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Someone said a pretty rude comment today that made me think.  We were discussing the desktop in Cashen's room of Kronos.  All the sudden someone said, "What does it matter, they didn't exist anyway?"

I got pretty ticked.  I know this probably was only speaking as a devout Christian, but little did they realize that their name was actually a name from Greek myth, which I won't mention for obvious reasons.

It just appalled me how they could make such an irreverent comment.  The religion of the ancient Greeks has influenced so much even up to modern times:

~ Days of the week...

~ Given names...

~ Countless artistic masterpieces (The Birth of Venus painted by Botticelli is one of the most famous works of art in world, and one of the theories about it (it is still be analyzed today) is that Botticelli was actually trying to depict Venus as both a Christian and Pagan symbol of love (that's imporant later...).  It's depicted below (some artistic nudity))...

~ Inspiration of thousands of great thinkers...

~ The beginning of the Renaissance started off the renewal of Classical ideas, many of which were derived from Greek myth!

~ The formation and content of Christianity even!!!

Believe it or not, some aspects of Pagan religions were added to Christianity to make it more appealing to "non-believers" and thus easier to convert them.  Example: Sunday was not the original day of Christian worship, but the Pagan day.  The Christians had the Sabbath, but Roman Pagans worshipped on Sun-Day the holy day of the religion Sol Invictus, or Invincible Sun.  That's where we get the name Sunday from today - it had been a compound word!  So when Christianity became a legal religion the holy day was set down as Sunday to make it acceptable to sun-worshippers.  There were some other common characteristics too to make it acceptable to both parties (don't forget The Birth of Venus, even though that was long after Christianity was legalized), but that's not what this entry is about.

So anyway, it made me think, that attitude toward different relgions is just what got us mixed up in this aweful war with Islam in the first place - an inability to respect each other's cultural differences.  And so I'm not sure how anything "can't matter".  Everything matters if you think about it.  Something as important as Greek mythology can't be called nonrelavent.


Anonymous said...

I see--very insightful. I remeber that

Anonymous said...

niftyy new comment style!

Anonymous said...

hmm i just wanted to let you know that you spelled awful wrong.. haha
unless you meant to spell it that way. but i dont think you did.
so yeah just wanted to tell you haha.. you better be honing your spelling skills sir.
you know that i wont be happy if.. well yeah, you better win.
and yes, that's a threat :)

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha... fast typing, sorry.  I caught the threat there.  I don't plan on letting her win.  Actually I didn't change the comment style, I only choose some of the features, but since it's free and all it just... changed.  I don't know, the whole site must've done it.  =)

Anonymous said...

haha well i like it.
and no, you wont let her win :)
um yah btw hows school w/ her?
i havent heard any stories lately
haha we need to talk.
i miss story time.. hahaha

Anonymous said...

She's not talking at all - like to anyone.  All she does is doodle in her planner.  Like even during class, she doens't pay attention.  But, oh well, her loss I guess.  Grobe told me that Coupe is trying to be nice to her - trying to make up for being an "itch" last year I guess.  I don't know.  Like I said - she doesn't talk.

Anonymous said...

haha who knows.
kfjds;lgjkfgjad you just better beat her.
you better watch out though..
she can spell alligator. or crocodile. or whatever the heck it was.
oh and psalm. gee whiz thats insane.
haha okay sorry. i get a tad bit touchy about that.
and OMG i hate it people are like ohh jealous?
im like what the heck..? no just ticked.
you understand..?

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha... no kidding!  And ubiquitous... oooooo.... I'm trembling!!  I'm not really into spelling and all, but I love Spell Bowl because of friends and stuff, plus I don't want to see her win again.  =)

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha... no kidding!  And ubiquitous... oooooo.... I'm trembling!!  I'm not really into spelling and all, but I love Spell Bowl because of friends and stuff, plus I don't want to see her win again.  =)

Anonymous said...

haha yeah.
i know i love spellbowl because its suuuper fun!
and of course, the spelling is definitely a perk.
haha im such a spelling nerd.

Anonymous said...

yU aR shpelin nurd.?! =]  Jk...

Anonymous said...

haha now that was just painful to read.