Monday, September 24, 2007


In my woods someone had found a Miami arrowhead (I showed it to Green), which inspired me to look for some more artifacts.

Just this last weekend I think I've found three (maybe more) Native American mounds (one of which is pictured below) in the forest.  Mr. Green thinks they might be, but unfortunatelyI can't excavate them.  If they are burial sites, then technically that would be grave robbing.  Indian burial sites still belong the tribe, or at least that's what Mr. Green told me.

So I'm in a bit of predicament, because I want to look into them, but if there were bodies there, I'd have a bit of problem.  I'm not sure what to do, but I'd really like to dig them out.  Erggg... it's bothering me.

That would be really neat to find something - it's so tempting.  I don't want some Green club coming out and claiming my glory if it is something (which we aren't eveb 100% positive of yet).  I've never found anything before, the arrowhead was found by someone else who graciously gave it to me.  I don't know what to do...

It's not the most spectacular looking mound ever, but this area of the woods is relatively flat (as can be for untamed growth), and three of these are just like BAM!  I think they are all about 2-3 feet high off the ground and are about as long as a human would be.  We'll see...


Anonymous said...

omg! that rox! Idk what i would do. I'd be just as curious as you. but the last thing i'd want to do is dig up someone's burial place! maybe you could leave a rock carved with something like "I was here first... eat that!" or something. lolz idk sry. I'm not much help!

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha!  That's great!  =)

Anonymous said...

You should get a metal detector, to see if they left any shiny down there with the bodies... or rent one of those density scanner things they used in Deception Point.

Anonymous said...

Hm that is a really tough decision.. I would be just as conflicted as you are!  As to the arrowhead.. didn't my brother find that?  Or maybe I made that up, idk. haha

Anonymous said...

Ya, Alwaysbored, your brother did.  Maybe I should get a metal detector, but then again, the forest has a lot of junk and trash in it from being abused by previous owners.  I found a dispensed bathtub out there once...

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I've never read Deception Point.  Is it worth my time?

Anonymous said...

it'd be interesting to see what you would find with a metal detector... and yes Deception Point is worth reading, another well written book by Dan Brown.

Anonymous said...

Oh!  The next (and final) book in the Robert Langdon trilogy comes out soon I've heard.  It's going to be called the Solomon Key, and will have something to do with the Freemasons and Skull & Bones.  I can't wait to read another Freemasons-Masterminding-The-World Ploy book again!  =)