Sunday, September 2, 2007

People Who Bother Me

I was just thinking this morning (I'm home alone and if I don't find something else to do, I get paranoid) about people who bother me.  I think the characteristic in people that probably bother me the most are the people who start talking about things that don't know about or understand and are just acting like they do - the people that are so arrogant they think they know everything about everyone and everything.  I have a lot of respect for people who actually are knowledgeable, but the people who are just pretending to be smart really bug me.  It's like watching someone dance on America's Got Talent who thinks they sing really well, but they really stink.  It bugs me a ton... cough, cough... David Hasselhoff can't sing... cough, cough... =].  No really though, am I just blowing smoke here or do other people get the same impression?  Enjoy your labor day weekend!!



Anonymous said...

yeahh i really hate it when people do that.
or when people do know a lot about something, and constantly brag about it.
thats annoying too.
haah i guess i just like the happy medium?

Anonymous said...

I agree!  I don't mind if someone tells me that they succeed in something, I'm happy for them and all, but I really don't want them in my face about it.  I mean, it's OK to tell me that did something, only if you just hear the same thing over and over again it gets super annoying.

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha... I just realized - people who repeat things over and over tend to be a recurring theme.  =]

Anonymous said...

haha oh true.
hehe ads...

Anonymous said...

Ahem... cough, cough...

Anonymous said...

Good Entry!  And let's not forget the people who will always, always top whatever you say - i.e. you say: I remember how much fun I had when we went to Florida last month, and they say: Florida??? Oh that's a fun place, but we went to Hawaii and it was so much nicer, and you can still find so many untouched islands and blah blah blah.  Or you say: gee, I finished the project the boss wanted!  And they say:  Well good, now that you have time on your hands you can help me, I'm swamped!

Sue from Duluth

Anonymous said...

im like i dont care. IM telling the story here!
shut the heck up because no one cares. haha
sorry, that just super bothers me :)

Anonymous said...

I absolutely agree!  If I'm talking I'll say what I want, and then when I'm done then they can tell whatever they feeling.  They don't need to say it like they are superior to you or something either.  There's a fine line between being informative and being rude.

Anonymous said...
