Saturday, December 22, 2007

28 Places, Part 2

Here are some cool pictures of the places in "28 Places To See Before You Die".  I used Google to get these, because my Internet-Internet transfers are instantaneous and my My Computer-Internet transfers are the really slow ones.

Mesa Verde -

Pompeii -

Tikal -

Petra -

Iguazu Falls -

Machu Picchu -

Angkor Wat -

Galápagos Islands (cute tortoise!) -


Anonymous said...

Galápagos Islands, wasn't that the place Darwin made his discoveries/theories?

Anonymous said...

Yep!  That's where he observed that the tortoises, mockingbirds, and finches were similar from island to island, but had some slight difference.  It was there where he laid the ground work for his Theory of Natural Selection.  =)

Anonymous said...

I thought that sounded familiar! Learned a small part of that last year in biology. Also read about it in Lee Strobel's book, A Case for a Creator.

Anonymous said...

Ooo!  I've heard those are really good books, but I haven't gotten around to reading them.

Anonymous said...

i loveeee the pictures
maybe orlando bloom should take me there!
;] haha

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha... wow.  Obsessive, much?

Anonymous said...

what can i say?
i have dreams about him.

Anonymous said...

mm i was just watching special features from POTC last night.. yum :]

Anonymous said...

Disturbing, much?