I had a really bad headache this morning, and spent sometime worshipping the porcelain gods. It stunk. But then I decided to watch "Hairspray", because I had nothing better to do (from my outpost on the couch). I got through 20 minutes. Turtles - you should be proud I got that far. That was one of the most racist movies I've ever seen! Not to mention, I'm not much of a musical person anyway unless it's actually about something interesting. Then I finally turned it off once I looked at the back it was only rated PG, and none of the reasons had anything to do with racism. Sick... I can't believe Queen Latifah was in a movie like that. Normally she's one of my favorite actresses.
Then I watched "Stardust", which was an awesome movie! I loved it! It was completely predictable, but it was great anyway. If you haven't seen it, I definitely suggest it. I don't have anything bad to say about it. And if you do choose to watch it, take a look at the blooper reel. The entire thing is worth it for Triston's "stunt" on the throne with the ruby. Ha, ha... Oh, and how can you forget the dead princes in the Peanut Gallery. They were hilarious.
Season 2 of "Rome" was really good. I'm finished with it already. Atia wasn't as funny as she was in season 1, but I loved the "presidence" argument with Octavian's wife at the triumph when he returns from Egypt. And Eirene should not have died!
I hope everyone had an enjoyable winter solstice holiday!
if you did then you would know that the whole movie is about tracy's attempt to demolish racism.
alright just thought i'd let you know that since i love that movie so much. but mostly the songs in it.
yeah i saw nt2 today. that was really good. but it didn't compare to the first one at all. (for all who haven't seen it, i'll try not to spoil it) i didn't understand how finding the thing they found at the end had anything to do with clearing the family name, but whatever. i still liked it. ;]
Ha, ha... "Stardust" would've been better anyway, I'm sure! Or at least for me! =)
And National Treasure 2 was DEFINITELY better than the first one. And by proving the treasure existed, Ben proved that Gates had burned the diary to protect the treasure from the Confederacy, not to protect himself as a conspirator in Lincoln's assassination.
Don't Reveal anything yet!!! I am going to see it today
As soon as I read "Hairspray Bad" I was just imagining Shoetopia doing the whole "Z-formation hip rotation head cirulation" thing.... OH NO YOU DIDNT!!!!
I havent even seen hairspray....
It seems david and shoetopia have very different opinions about movies....this will be entertaining....
Oh..and by the way....
i absolutely cant believe that they are still doing this through the writer's strike....wow...
Have you stuidied ur spelling bee words???
(I...*gulp*...have looked at it...*shifty eyes*
Well I'm sorry that I'm only racist if I'm talking to Jalen or Melvin. =P
Yay! Desperate Houswives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =)
haha yeah i didnt really like hairspray but you need to watch the whole thing before you say it's totally racist. that's kind of the whole point of the movie - getting rid of racism, like they said below.
Oh, OK. It just didn't seem like my type of movie anyway.
jsonri: hmm, i can kinda see that, but i think it could have been better explained.
and i lovedddddd riley's book signings. hahah
pandaguy: haha i could see myself doing that.
also who gave hairspray a 5?
i liked it, but i didn't think it was worthy of a 5...
not me, i gave it a 3, graciously haha
Turtles probably gave it a 5. =P
haha probably.
i gave it a 4
the overall plot was good, as well as the songs and the actors
although i think they could have squeezed orlando bloom in there somewhere.
maybe instead of zac efron. (:
I totally only gave it a 4. I thought NT2 was not nearly as good as the first one. It wasn't so much a hunt, but more about relationships, and i thuoght that was kinda dumb. But i agree with the others that if you had watched all of hairspray you would have seen that the whole movie involves the fight against racism and the discrimination of fat ppl. I haven't seen stardust yet, but i'm going to. and wat's with the whole winter solstice holiday thing?
I just saw Stardust last night..well, most of it anyways. I am going to watch the rest of it today. So Far I have given it a 3. Not that much of an outstanding movie...if you ask me...which nobody did...
I thpought the same thing, turtles. I did like how they brought in Ben's mom though. It added alot more tension. There was alot less emphasis on history in this one. What i really want to know is how John Wilkes Booth got the cipher in the first place. Also, I WANTED TO SEE MORE OF THE BOOK!!! And one thing that I have notived about these movies is that if it weren't for Riley, they would not work!
I thought NT2 was better than the first. The treasure was much more me than the first one. And Riley definitely makes the movies. =)
oh fersure, riley is the best :]
hm, do you think they could've replaced nicholas cage with orlando?
haha i know i'll get some support here :]
ooh yes yes!
orlando would be much better in that movie!
but then i would have to kill abigail as well as elizabeth
lol oh well!
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