I went and saw "National Treasure: Book of Secrets"! It was awesome I thought! The beginning was a little bit fast, but I loved the part with Riley signing his books (at Borders! That made me laugh.). Ha, ha... he's the best.
I got a little confused with the secret message that Ben's mom sent him. It never really explained code "hummingbird". That was weird.
I don't think that Abigail should've broken up with Ben at the beginning. That was kind of dumb. But it was funny when she found Ben in the house and was trying to figure out how he got in past the alarm. "Where's Riley?!"
I'm not sure the name was a good choice either. I would've titled it "National Treasure: City of Gold", because the Book of Secrets was important, however that's not what the whole movie revolved around.
I thought that the treasure chamber was a lot cooler in the second movie too.
Overall, I definitely thought it was great. I want to go see it again!
awww i really want to go see ittt!
also we decided that riley is the male form of courtney.
haha good timess.
okay yeah i'm really bored
and stuff.
yeah because he said the most random stuff in the first movie
and she was like "i would say that!" and stuff
Ha, ha... Courtney's hilarious!! Have you ever read any of her notes to Becca? She has the most fascinating things on them! I learn more from those than I do in school!
~ Coffee drinkers have sex more often than non-coffee drinkers.
~ 55% of the American population didn't know that the Sun was a star.
~ Kangaroos react to motion, but not color.
~ Bananas are herbs, watermelons are vegetables, and eggplants are fruits.
That's all I can remember from last week's, but there was a bunch of other random stuff. =)
haha i know!
i knew the top 2 but i learned a lot of other stuff too!
i love her random facts :)
yay i finally saw this yesterdayy!
lovvedd it. :]
ahh i love riley muy mucho haha.
yeah i didn't get the code thing either, and when abigail broke up with him i was like huh? haha i thought they were like already married. but whatever.
haha my friend & i decided the next movie should be called national treasure: page 47. haha
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