I went Christmas shopping this morning (at Borders, of course)! And I finished with Don't Know Much About History and have started reding The Argonautika. If your not familiar with it (I'll be brief!), it's the story of Jason, a young prince, on a perilous journey to retrieve the Golden Fleece of Kolchis. He travels with a crew of heroes who man their vessel, the Argo. Throughout his adventures, he has to triumph over obstacles from clashing rocks and fire-breathing bulls. I've liked it so far!
I'm really excited to go see "National Treasure 2" this afternoon! It got bad reviews, but everyone I've asked said that it was really good. We'll see. You can expect a review when I get back later.
ooh have fun!
i'm going to go see it sometime soon.
andddd i didn't post anything about orlando bloom!
haha sorry, i had to.
ahh i wanna see NT2 soo badd!
i get to on like the 29th er 30th
but that's sooo longgg haha
it's only that long because i'm at my gparents now
& btw, i didnt read your review yet because i dont want anything spoiled! haha
Oh! Ha, ha... nice. =)
I will now donate 10 valuable seconds of my precious time to taunting you:
Done. That's all! =)
haha gee, thanks
=P to you tooo
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