Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Worst Medieval Baby Names

If you don't like your name (or even if you do) it could've been much worse in Medieval times.  Here's a list of the worst Medieval baby names compiled by The Worst-Case Scenario Almanac: History.

Male -

~ Ailwin

~ Clovis

~ Horsa

~ Hunwald

~ Lothar

~ Thrydwulf

~ Wuffa

Female -

~ Amalasuntha

~ Berthefried

~ Earcongota

~ Hawisa

~ Malota

~ Sexburg

~ Ultrogotha

Happy First Day of Hanukhah!  (And Snow-Day too!)


Anonymous said...

Katharine and I thought that you should name your baby Sexburg when you get married. Think, you could nickname her Sex! We can't stop laughing. We've been laughing for like 5 minutes straight.

Anonymous said...

When I'm married???

Just kidding!

Anyway, thanks guys.  You are such great friends to think of that!  =P

Anonymous said...

Aww, ur the best! ily as a friend! lol inside joke 4 all the peeps who arent cool enough to get that.

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha.  I wish I could return the compliment!  =P

Anonymous said...

btw that hurt. it was from krine anyways.

Anonymous said...

I was just kidding!  Don't flip!  =P