Monday, March 3, 2008

Parent Survey

I took that parent survey thing with my mom yesterday for MCMS.  That was so retarded, not to mention tacky!  You had to log in, so they know exactly who says what about the school.  When we got to the short answers, we just messed around before submitting with things like "Seeley is a dirty, old man."  We didn't actually keep answers like that when we submitted, but only because my mom made me delete "Warner is an exceptional lesbian."

The polls still aren't working.  "Lesbian!" ... gar....

BL Quote

Denny: It's gonna get ugly, Shirley.

Shirley: Denny Crane ugly.

Denny: Mmhhmm...

¡Shirley Schmidt es mío!  ¡Carl Sach tiene que more!


The Poetry Final is tomorrow!  Don't forget!

Groblette and I developed this great idea for the Non-Fiction Unit.  We're going to work in pairs, with each group studying one of the authors and their account.  They'll create notes, just like we did for the short stories and poems.  Then at the end the pairs will present what they found.

The groups are:

~ MeM and LJ ... Lincoln's "Second Inaugural Address"

~ KL and MaM ... Douglass' "My Escape From Slavery"

~ AM and OH ... Emerson's "Self-Reliance"

~ DH and MG ... Thoreau's "Nature"

~ DH and MG ... Chesnut's "A Wartime Journal"

We'll be working in the computer lab 3-4 (after the final), 3-6, 3-11, and 3-13.  The tentative presentation date is 3-18.  If all goes smoothly, the final will be 3-20.

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