Sunday, March 2, 2008


Yesterday was productive.  I had a PLC meeting for an hour and a half in the morning, and also finished the Poetry Final (see the ABS section for more details).  I went out in the woods in the afternoon, but forgot to take the camera for making my "LESBIAN!" movie that I'd planned.  (I just reread that, and it sounds horrible.  Ha, ha...)  I also started watching "The Tudors".  It was on Showtime, which I don't get - just the Farmer Five,  but now the first season is out on DVD.  I've really liked it so far; it reminds me a lot of "Rome" in the way it's presented.

BL Quote (3-1)

Denny: It's no use, Alan.  Nothing interests me anymore.

TV Reporter: Construction working Russell Blayney arrested for attempted murder for setting a booby trap in his to catch burglars.  Miguel Quinones allegedly broke into Blayney's house and received a reported fifty-thousand volts of electricity through his body, paralyzing him from the waist down, and leaving us all with the question: Russell Blayney: victim or vigiliante?

Denny: That case!  I want that case!

BL Quote (3-2)

Denny: Well, are the rumors true?  You have naked photos of Shirley?  Awww, come on!  What's the big deal?  I've had naked photos of Shirley for year.  [pulls out a stack to show Alan]

Alan: Uh, Denny?  She's asleep in all of these.

Denny: [hands him a photo] Here's the one where she woke up.  Have you ever a beautiful woman look that angry?


For the test know:

~ all literary terms that apply to poetry.  (ex Iambic pentameter, romanticism, etc)

~ the content of all the poems.  (ex Annabell Lee died because the seraphs of heaven were jealous of the love between her and the speaker.)

~ the authors of the poems.  (Poe, Holmes, Crane, Whitman, and Melville)

~ the rhyme type of each poem.  IMPORTANT:  After looking over "War is Kind" again, I realized that it's free verse and masculine rhyme.  It doesn't have a specific rhyme scheme, but what does rhyme is masculine in nature.  (Ha, ha...)  "Song of Myself", however, is just free verse, because nothing rhymes at all.  So when it comes down to it on the test, I'll take either answer for "War is Kind".  To clarify, here are the rhyme types of each poem:

   - "Annabell Lee" ... masculine

   - "The Raven" ... masculine

   - "The Chambered Nautilus" ... masculine

   - "War is Kind" ... masculine and free verse (again, on the test I'll take either)

   - "O Captain! My Captain!" ... masculine

   - "Song of Myself" ... free verse

   - "Shiloh: A Requiem" ... masculine

   - "March to Virginia" ... masculine

~ the style of each poem (romanticism, fatalism, or escapism).

~ the vocabulary from the notes.

Know those and you should be good to go!  I suggest that you reread all the poems and biographies, review the notes we wrote, and go over the quizzes we took.  If you have any questions, feel free to contact me through comments or whatever else!


Anonymous said...

stupid poets. they're not smart enough to write feminine rhyme poems. hahaha

Anonymous said...

also orlando bloom should be in the tudors.
it would be much better.
not that i've actually watched any of it, but orlando makes anything better. ;]

Anonymous said...

i agree :]

Anonymous said...

hahaha and saying you were gonna make a lesbian movie reallyy sounded bad, i agree. haha lo siento.

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha... I had told a few people that I was going to tape myself screaming "lesbian!" in the middle of the woods, but then I forgot my camera Saturday.  Sunday I remembered to take it out with me, but it ran out of batteries.  I'm going to get it done today, or just do it next weekend.  Today looks ugly outside.  =(